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All CollectionsCareer PathwaysAs an Employee
My Career Pathway as an Employee
My Career Pathway as an Employee

What is 'My Pathway' exactly? Here we explain the different parts that make up a career pathway as an employee

Updated over a week ago

Important Note: The careers feature in frankli has been released in preview beta mode to a limited subset of customers. These final help articles and the full feature will be updated and released publicly over the coming weeks.

Career pathways is a dedicated space in Frankli that helps you design your own roadmap for success. Here you will find all tools and information you need to join the dots on how far you can take your career within the organisation.

How to Find It

You can navigate to 'Careers(Preview)' from the menu sidebar. This will take you to the 'Careers' overview page.

Here you will see several tiles. You want to click on the first, called 'My pathway', as shown below.

Career Pathways

Within pathways, you will first see your current career path or recommended pathway based on your current role. If your current role is on the path, it will be highlighted in green, as shown below.

If your current pathway is not set correctly or you are curious to explore other career options, you can browse and choose a new path by clicking the link 'Choose a new path' shown above.


If your company has the role applications feature enabled in Frankli, you will find any applications you have created directly under your pathway. Here you can 'edit' or 'discard' any applications you have started and see their current status.

Pinned Roles

Next, you will see any previously pinned roles you created when navigating the 'Browse Roles' section. You can also expand any role detail by clicking 'More details' as shown above.

When you click it, it will expand the section and show all associated details of that role in one view.

Current Role, Qualifications and Skills

Next up is a section with details on your current role, followed by 'qualifications' and 'skills'.

Developmental Goals

The last section on 'My pathway' lists your developmental goals (where goals exist). You can see the objective, the overall progress made and the due date for each goal.

Clicking on a goal will take you directly to the Goals detail and give you full functionality to update and edit a goal as usual in Frankli.

Navigating across the top via the breadcrumbs makes it easy to return to your pathway.

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