Watch the Intro to Getting to Know Goals in Frankli video here 👇 or continue reading below.
Goal setting in Frankli follows the Objective Key Result (OKR) framework for defining and tracking objectives and their outcomes.
In 'Goals' you will see:
My Goals: This view represents all goal types (personal, team, department, company) for which you are a goal owner.
My Personal Goals: This view represents any personal goals that you have created. Personal goals in Frankli take on two forms.
1 - Personal Operational: This goal type is for capturing goals that account for your direct contribution to your wider team and company efforts.
2 - Personal Developmental: This goal type is much more focused on capturing your development needs and are not associated with aligning to department goals.
Team Goals: This type of goal is focused on people from the same or cross-functional team coming together to deliver a specific overall objective. These types of goals can be both public or private in terms of visibility.
Department Goals: This type of goal is focused on goals at a specific department level which ideally should feed into the overall company goals. These types of goals can be both public or private in terms of visibility.
Company Goals: This view of goals represents the top-level goals within your company and should be publicly visible to anyone in your company on Frankli. These types of goals can be both public or private in terms of visibility.
Note: Company goals can only be created by a defined role in Frankli called a 'Goal Admin'.
What Next?
Let's look at a little more detail on goals in Frankli.