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Classic View - Goals View in Frankli
Classic View - Goals View in Frankli

Let's look at your goals page and make sense of the different views available to you

Updated over 3 years ago

When you navigate to 'Goals' in Frankli, you will be presented with a number of different tabs, each representing different views of goals within your company. 

Here's a breakdown of the views:

My Goals

This is probably your most important tab in goals. This view represents all goal types (personal, department, company) for which you are a goal owner. The default view to load is 'Active' goals. You have the ability to filter this view by (Active, Completed, Archived, All). 

My Personal Goals

This view represents any personal goals that you have created. Personal goals can be either Public or Private. Public will be displayed on your personal profile page and visible to anyone in your company. Private can only be seen by you, your direct manager and the Goal Admin. Personal goals can include anyone else in the company as a goal owner.

Personal goals in Frankli take on two forms.

  1. Personal Operational

This goal type is for capturing goals that account for your direct contribution to your wider team and company efforts. Personal operational goals can be aligned to an active department goal for your department or directly to an active company goal. 

    2. Personal Developmental    

This goal type is much more focused on capturing your development needs. Here you would capture any training or mentoring needs to support your career, in the context of the priorities of your department and company.

Department Goals

This view will automatically load all active department goals for the department that you are in. As well as 'Active' you can also filter by  (Completed, Archived, All).  

Some important points on department goals:

  • All Department goals must be Public and as a result are visible to anyone in your company on Frankli. 

  • You can easily filter by other department goals from this tab.

  • Any department goal can be aligned to an active company goal.

  • Department goal owners must be from that same department. 

  • Department goals cannot be deleted if a personal goal is aligned to it.

Company Goals

This view of goals represents the top level goals within your company and are publicly visible to anyone in your company. Company goals must be public and can only be created by a defined role in Frankli called a 'Goal Admin'. 

A Goal Admin can make anyone a goal owner of a Company goal. When it comes to deleting Company goals, they cannot be deleted if a Personal Operational or Department level goal is aligned to it.


This view allows you to view all publicly created goals in your company grouped by specific tags. Think of tags as groupings, for example:

  • goals aligned to company values or pillars

  • goals tagged against specific internal campaigns such as sales or recruitment

My Draft Goals

As you get started with creating your first goals in Frankli, you will see the option to 'Save' your goal, allowing you to return at a later stage to finalise. All goals you 'Save' will live in your draft goals. From here you can 'Edit' at a later stage or 'Delete' a draft goal if no longer relevant.

What Next?

Take your first steps to creating a goal

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