To get started with company goal creation in Frankli, navigate to 'Goals' from your available sidebar menu items. This will bring you to your goals overview page with a number of tabs.
Create a Goal
To create a goal, click on the button titled 'Create a Goal'.
This is will take you to a 'Create a new goal' section with the following fields:
Goal Objective: Give your goal a valid objective thinking about what success will look like?
Goal Type: As a goal admin you can create a 'Company' goal type. Company goals are visible to everyone in your organisation.
Key Result: Next we define one or more key results to help us progress our goal. The goal setting framework in Frankli is based on Objective, Key Results (OKRs).
Result End Date (optional): You can add an end date to any key result if you wish. This will set and trigger reminders for you as the end date approaches.
Result Measure Type: Key results have 2 dedicated measure types to help you keep focused:
Complete / Incomplete
Result Measure Unit (optional): If Number is the selected Result Measure Type, then you can optionally define a measure unit. This can be used to give more detail in what you are measuring. E.g. 5%, 10 people, €15
Result Measure Unit Placement (optional): If you have added a Result Measure Unit then you can choose whether it appears BEFORE or AFTER your Result Value.
e.g. 5% has Result Measure Unit '%' and Position 'AFTER' while €5 has Result Measure Unit '€' and Position 'BEFORE'Visibility: Company goals are set to public and are visible to the entire company.
Priority (optional): You can define a priority for your goal from P1 to P5 based on urgency
End Date: This is the date that the overall goal objective is to be achieved by. Setting an end date also sets up reminder notifications within Frankli for all Goal Owners.
Tags (optional): Tags are defined by your company admin and allow you to group goals by relevant tags as defined within your own business. Tags make searching for your goals easier.
Owner: Owners are the people directly involved in completing the goal. You can add any of your people to a company goal.
When you are finished click 'Create Goal' as shown below.