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Classic View - Creating a Company Goal
Classic View - Creating a Company Goal

Here we take you through defining company level goals

Updated over 3 years ago

To get started with company goal creation in Frankli, navigate to 'Goals' from your available sidebar menu items. This will bring you to your goals overview page with a number of tabs. 

  1. Create a Goal

To create a goal, click on the button titled 'Create a Goal'.

This is will take you to a 'Create a new goal' section with the following fields:

  • Goal Objective: Give your goal a valid objective thinking about what success will look like?

  • Goal Type: As a goal admin you can create a 'Company' goal type. Company goals are visible to everyone in your organisation.

  • Key Result: Next we define one or more key results to help us progress our goal. The goal setting framework in Frankli is based on Objective, Key Results (OKRs). 

  • Result End Date (optional): You can add an end date to any key result if you wish. This will set and trigger reminders for you as the end date approaches.

  • Result Measure Type: Key results have 2 dedicated measure types to help you keep focused:

    • Complete / Incomplete

    • Numeric

  • Result Measure Unit (optional): If Number is the selected Result Measure Type, then you can optionally define a measure unit. This can be used to give more detail in what you are measuring. E.g. 5%, 10 people, €15

  • Result Measure Unit Placement (optional): If you have added a Result Measure Unit then you can choose whether it appears BEFORE or AFTER your Result Value.
    e.g. 5% has Result Measure Unit '%' and Position 'AFTER' while €5 has Result Measure Unit '€' and Position 'BEFORE'

  • Visibility: Company goals are set to public and are visible to the entire company.

  • Priority (optional): You can define a priority for your goal from P1 to P5 based on urgency

  • End Date: This is the date that the overall goal objective is to be achieved by. Setting an end date also sets up reminder notifications within Frankli for all Goal Owners.

  • Tags (optional): Tags are defined by your company admin and allow you to group goals by relevant tags as defined within your own business. Tags make searching for your goals easier.

  • Owner: Owners are the people directly involved in completing the goal. You can add any of your people to a company goal.

  • When you are finished click 'Create Goal' as shown below.

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