Watch the Getting Started with 1:1s video here π or continue reading below.
Overview page
Clicking on 1:1 Meetings in the navigation will take to you to a list of all your upcoming 1:1's.
Information shown
In this overview, you can see:
The current status
Who the schedule was created by
The purpose of the 1:1s
Who is participating
When the next 1:1 meeting is due to take place
The frequency of 1:1 meetings
The number of talking points
The number of action points
Status ribbon
The status ribbon is shown as a colored line to the left of the schedule creators picture. This is used to indicate at a glance the status of the schedule. You can hover over the ribbon to see what status the color corresponds to.
Searching and Filtering
You can use the box at the top to search for a 1:1 schedule by purpose.
Clicking the blue drop down will reveal a list of additional filters which you can use to narrow down the list even further.
Creator actions
If you are the creator of the 1:1, you will also have access to some different actions you can take on your 1:1s. Hovering over each icon will show you the associated action.
Edit schedule
Clicking this icon will bring you to the create screen and allow you to change details about the schedule for all future 1:1s. You can also check the box so that only the next 1:1 is changed.
Pause/Resume 1:1
Clicking the pause icon will pause the schedule and prevent any future meetings from occurring.
Clicking resume will revert it back to normal.
Archive 1:1
Clicking the archive icon will archive the schedule and prevent any further meetings from occurring
Note: There is no way to unarchive an archived schedule
Delete 1:1
When a schedule is archived, you will see this icon. Clicking it will delete the schedule and remove it from the list.
Meeting page
To get a more detailed view on a 1:1, click on it in the list. You should see the following page:
Meeting details / Talking points card
This card shows all the details of the next meeting including:
Meeting status
Date and time
Talking points
Scheduled meeting view
When a meeting is in scheduled and hasn't been started yet, you have the option to:
Start the meeting (Visible when the meeting is due to start in the next 30 minutes)
Cancel the meeting
Reschedule to another date/time
Edit the talking points
Sidebar card
The sidebar is where you can switch between meetings in the schedule or see a rich view of employee goals, ideas, praise and feedback.
Collapsing the sidebar
You have the ability to collapse the sidebar if needed using the arrow icon highlighted below.
Meeting outcomes card
The meeting outcomes card is where you will be creating action points, notes and uploading files as a result of (or in preparation for) the 1:1 meeting.
Pinning the card
You can use the pin icon on the top right to make it stick to the bottom of the screen. This can be useful if you have a large number of talking points and want to see the notes at all times.
Full-screen notes editor
If you have a lot of notes to write for the meeting, you can click the full-screen icon in the top right to expand the editor. This will give you more room to work with.
The meeting time in your calendar doesn't match Frankli
If for any reason your calendar gets out of sync with Frankli for your 1:1 meeting times you can select the option below "re-create events in the calendar" & this will automatically resync your Calendar with Frankli.
If the issue still persists following this you will need to check your timezone in Frankli is the same as the one in your Calendar, you can check that here.