A Dotted-Line manager is an informal manager who is additional to an employee's direct line manager. You can learn more about their role here.
How to Set up a User as a Dotted-Line Manager
Note: Only Admins can set up a Dottled-Line Manager
1. Admins can add a Dotted-Line manager as part of new user creation or by navigating to Admin > Admin Dashboard > Company > Company View and selecting Edit on their desired user.
2. In both cases, adding a Dotted-Line Manager is an optional field on the form. Simply begin typing the Dotted-Line manager's name in the provided search bar and select the desired person when they appear.
3. When the Dotted-line manager is selected, the default company permissions will be granted. If you want to change those permissions, select Edit Permissions beside the Dotted-Line Manager field to do so.
4. When you're done, select Confirm and save your changes by selecting Update Person.
Note: In order to set up a Dotted-Line Manager, the Dotted-line Managers feature needs to be enabled. You can learn how to do this here.