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Setting up a new review cycle
Setting up a new review cycle

Learn the steps involved in setting-up a performance review cycle as an Admin

Updated over a week ago

To get started with Review cycles in Frankli, navigate to your Admin Dashboard click on Review cycles.

Note: The ability to create review cycles is limited to Administrators in Franki. All Administrators will have access to see any review cycles created across the company.

To start creating a new review cycle, select Create New Review.

This will begin a multi-step process which will allow you to define all the details of the cycle.

You can save a draft of your changes at any stage during the process so you don't need to complete it all at once and can return at any time.

Each step is outlined below.

Cycle Type

When setting up a review cycle, you will be asked to choose between 'Open' and 'Sequenced' cycles.

In an open cycle, all the steps you have selected will start at once. This allows the participants to update their reviews in real-time over the review period.

In a sequenced cycle, the steps will run in the order you have chosen, but when a participant has finished the step that is active, they can move on to the next step without having to wait for it to start.

Cycle Info

Firstly, give your Review Cycle a unique name that is easily recognizable. eg. 'Mid Year Review 2022'.

Define the period under review in terms of months or a full year.

The chosen review period will determine which data is visible when responding to a step. For example, the goals visible in the sidebar when responding to a manager review.


Next you define your 'Recipients'. This is your audience who will take part in the review cycle. You have the option to 'Select All' including everyone company wide or filter by specific department, locations or individual employees.


Steps offer you flexibility and structure to how your review process will run within Frankli and is the most important piece of the puzzle. Here you can design up to three step types in whatever order works best for you encompassing the following elements:

  • Self Reflection step - Participants will reflect on their overall progress during the period under review and to outline their future aspirations

  • Peer Reviews - Participants has the option to invite up to 5 peers to conduct a peer review on their progress. Managers will have to approve each invitation sent by their direct reports.

  • Upward Reviews - Participants will have to answer a series of questions regarding their managers performance.

  • Manager Led Reviews - Each participant's manager will answer a series of questions regarding their performance.

Each step defined above will have an associated start and end date. If you are running an open cycle, the order of the steps won’t matter, as all the steps will start at the same time, and will run alongside each other whereas in a sequenced cycle, each step will run one after the other.

Tip: We recommend leaving manager reviews to the end as managers will be able to use all previous responses to inform their answers.

If this process is new to you, we recommend creating a sequenced cycle consisting of a self reflection then a manager review step. This ensures all your people have a chance to contribute in the process.


Based on the number of steps and sequence you have decided upon, next you will create the relevant questions you want to ask in each step.

Frankli comes pre-populated with some recommended question types and areas of focus. Feel free to move things around, delete out of this cycle or remove entirely from your library and create your own.

The question bank

To the right side is the question bank. This contains all of our recommended questions and any custom questions you have created. To add questions from the question bank to your cycle, simply drag and drop them into the list on the left.

Editing Frankli's default question bank

You can choose to edit any of our questions by hovering over one of them in the sidebar (or the cycle questions list) and clicking the edit icon.

A form will appear with the question filled in. You can then change the question however you want. Once saved, this question will be added to your own question bank so it can be re-used later.

Creating new questions

You can also create custom questions entirely from scratch. Doing so allows you to define the question and the type of response you wish to receive to it. To add a question, hover above or below an existing question and click on "Add a new question type". Questions created using this method will automatically be added to your question bank for use in later cycles.

When clicked, a window will appear asking you to choose between two question types, text or likert.

Once you have selected a type, you will be asked to define a question for it.

Modifying selected questions

You can edit or remove any questions that are already in the cycle by clicking the relevant icons on the right side of each.

Editing will open the same edit window as if editing from the sidebar. Removing will put the question back into the question bank.

Assessment questions

Assessment group questions allow your people rate their performance or the performance of others depending on the included steps.

These allow your people to assign a numeric score to the person being reviewed, giving access to more advanced reporting once the cycle has concluded.

Assessment questions are supported by the following steps:

  • Self reflection

  • Upward reviews

  • Manager reviews

The wording can be edited to better suit your process.

Tip: This step is an important one to get right but we'd recommend if you're new to the process less is more. Framing some good forward looking questions for your employees is just as important as asking them what they felt they've achieved during this period. Also for Managers, there's a real opportunity here to get some specific examples of great performance while also outlining developmental needs.


The last piece before confirming is to review the questions asked for each step and preview what it will look like before being created as well as confirming the timeframes for each step in the overall review cycle.

Once you're happy, click Create.

The final screen will outline what will happen next in terms of invite emails that go out to your each of your people in the review cycle and their managers. Also as an Admin, we outline what you can expect from here.

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