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What Happens During a Review Cycle?

Here's what to expect when you get added to a review cycle in Frankli

Updated over a week ago

When you're added to a review cycle in Frankli, you'll receive an invitation via email, and a notification directly in Frankli.

The email will outline how the process will work, and let you know the deadline for completion.

When you log into Frankli, you'll see the notifications relating to this review cycle, informing you of your next steps.

If your review is is due within 30 days, it will be displayed in the Upcoming Deadlines section of your Dashboard.

You can also check if there are any reviews awaiting your response by clicking My Reviews in the sidebar.

If you're participating in a review cycle, or have been invited to complete a review regarding someone else, you'll be able to respond here.

Note: You'll be reminded via email, and via notifications in Frankli, if the due date is approaching and you haven't submitted your response yet.

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