Step 1: To Archive a Person go to Admin Dashboard > Company > Company View.
Step 2: Now scroll to or search for the person you wish to archive and click the highlighted button below.
Step 3: Next, click Archive Person, and if you're sure, click "Archive"
To Unarchive a person:
Step 1: Go to Admin Dashboard > Company > Company View.
Step 2: Use the green filter button (to the left of the search bar) to select "state" > "archived" - to make archived personnel visible.
Step 3: Scroll to the person you wish to unarchive and click the highlighted button below.
Step 4: To unarchive the person select which access level you'd like to re-instate them to from the drop-down menu and click Unarchive. If you're sure you wish to Unarchive the user, click "Confirm".
Finally, click the green button 'Unarchive' to complete the action.