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Your Profile in Frankli

Learn about your personal profile in Frankli

Updated over a week ago

Your personal profile in Frankli is visible across your organisation and is designed to showcase you as an individual amongst your colleagues. To access your profile in Frankli, click on our name or photo across the top of the navigation bar.

Alternatively you can access your profile by opening the dropdown menu located next to your profile image and click on ‘View Profile’. 

Your profile is made up of the following components:

About Me

This section contains the information you provided as part of your onboarding setup in Frankli. It gives your colleagues a flavour of who you are while also detailing how you like to be contacted.

Location & Work Info

This section gives people a snapshot of where you are currently based, the time in your location and what department you are in. They will see this view when they click on your profile. This section can be dynamically updated to reflect your whereabouts if you were travelling with work for example. To update, simply select the new office location from the available dropdown menu. All other details will automatically update once you have selected a new location.

Your Praise

This section will display any praise your colleagues post about you with the option to also tag this against your company values. You can see who posted it and when it was posted. Praise is public as part of your profile view. You do have the option to hide praise and control visibility as you wish from the available edit icon next to the 'Your Praise.'


The content that gets displayed for the goals section of your profile is controlled by you. If you decided to set any personal goals you have created to public, they will show up here. This view only takes into account your personal goals. 


Your colleagues are able to view all the detail relating to personal goals you set to public.

Personal & Professional Interests

This section lists both the personal and professional interests you selected as part of updating your profile in Frankli. You will notice each interest you selected will populate the profile photos of colleagues who share the same interest. Each interest also becomes a searchable tag within Frankli. If you click on any interest listed you will be brought through to a table view of colleagues across the company who share the same interests. Alternatively, if you hover over and click on any of your colleagues profile photos you will be taken through to their 'Public Profile'. You can now find colleagues easily who have something in common with you. Neat right?


This section takes into account information collected from three different views. 

  1. Seeking Coaching

The interests listed here are related directly to areas you have expressed an interest in getting coaching in from your colleagues and related to professional development interests exclusively. 

    2. Socialise in

The interests listed here are related directly to areas you have expressed an interest in socialising in with your colleagues and related to personal interests exclusively. 

   3. Offer to Mentor

The interests listed here are related directly to areas you have expressed an interest in mentoring your fellow colleagues in. 


We recommend that if you are considering putting yourself forward as a mentor, you first discuss it with your manager. 

The information that gets populated here is based on what details you have chosen previously when you accessed our coaching & mentoring feature 'Connect. Prior to accessing the ‘Connect’ feature, this section on your profile will be displayed as empty.

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