The upload feedback feature in Frankli allows you to create custom feedback with an attached image and description. This allows you to capture any feedback you have received from sources other than Frankli such as via Slack or email. You also have the option to attach a file to give more context.
First off, make sure the feature is enabled for your company. If you are an admin, you can do so by going to Admin > Features and then checking the Upload Feedback option.
Once this is done, click on Feedback in the sidebar:
Then click on Upload external feedback:
Give your feedback a title and click Next:
Describe what you are uploading, give it some context and then click Next:
Attach a file, if you wish, and then click Next:
Before submitting, you will be shown a preview of all the information you have entered previously:
If you made a mistake or want to change something, you can click on the edit icon next to the title you want to update and you will be returned to the relevant step:
Once you're happy with everything, click Submit.
Finally, you will be asked if you want to upload more or not. If you want to create more, click on Send more. If not, click on I'm done.
You will be able to view your uploaded feedback from the Uploaded feedback tab of the sidebar or from the Feedback History page.