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What is a Peer Review?

A simple explanation of Peer Reviews, plus tips on who you should invite to take part

Updated over a week ago

Peer Reviews form part of a performance review cycle for many organisations. The Peer Review step, when enabled, allows you as an employee to invite up to five colleagues to complete a peer review on your performance.

Why are Peer Reviews Important?

As the saying goes, no one is an island. Everybody will work and collaborate with others over the course of the review cycle. It's important to get feedback on your work from your peers, as it helps give a balanced view of your progress. This will help shape your overall performance at the end of the review cycle.

Who Can I Invite?

You can send Peer Review invitations to any of your peers, i.e. anyone except your manager and your direct reports. The people you select for this will first need to be approved by your own manager. Once approved, your peers will then be notified. They will also have the option to accept or decline the invitation, based on whether or not they feel their feedback will be useful.

Who Should I Send Invitations to?

Our advice is to think about people you've worked with over recent months, and at different levels of seniority. They're best positioned to give an up-to-date perspective.

Who Will See the Responses?

The reviews of your work will be made available to your manager. Your manager can then share this feedback with you after the review.

Depending on how your Frankli Admin has configured the Review Cycle, your manager may be able to share the original responses with you, or write a summary of the responses you received.

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