There are two ways of viewing your notes from a Post-Review 1:1 Meeting, depending on whether you're a manager or the participant in the review cycle.
Viewing Notes from a Post-Review 1:1 Meeting as a Manager
To view the notes from a meeting you had with a member of your team as part of a review cycle outcome discussion, first select Team Reviews from the sidebar and select the review cycle that the 1:1 Meeting was linked to.
Then, find the member of your team you want to view and click the Eye Icon under the actions column next to their name.
Select the Post-Review 1:1 tab to view your notes from the meeting. You also have the option to view the full meeting details by selecting Go to Meeting.
Viewing Notes from a Post-Review 1:1 Meeting as a Participant
To view the notes from a meeting you had with your manager as part of a review cycle outcome discussion, first head to My Reviews from the sidebar, then select the Completed Reviews tab.
Select the appropriate review cycle from the list, then select the Post-Review 1:1 tab.
On this tab, you'll be able to see your notes from the 1:1 Meeting that you had with your manager regarding this review cycle.