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Our Ebooks

Here you'll find direct access to ever popular series of eBooks on all things people leadership, goal setting, performance & culture

Updated over a week ago
  1. OKRs - How to Reach Goal Setting Goals

Everyone wants to achieve their goals. Not everyone knows the best way how. There is a way to keep your people in the centre of your company’s goal-setting, reap the benefits of achieved aims as well as having happier people. It’s time to learn the balance, and it starts with Objectives and Key Results.

- What OKRs Are All About

- How to Write The Right OKRs

- Ways to Avoid A Failed Process

- Why This Approach Leads to Success

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2. Continuous Feedback - The Complete Playbook for People Leaders

Everyone wants the most efficient and effective systems in place when it comes to their people and their company. No matter from which angle we search for the answer, we keep coming back to the feedback process. Continuous feedback is the solution to many business woes as it improves communication, structure and goal alignment as well as supporting engagement, performance and progression. In this eBook, 'Continuous Feedback - The Complete Playbook for People Leaders', we examine the process, it's benefits and how to get started by exploring:

- Why Continuous Feedback is the Feedback of the Future

- The Best Ways to Introduce it to Your Team

- Several Strategies for Implementing it

- What Makes a Successful Feedback Process

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3. 10 Ways To Empower Your People

Empowered people, empower people. As a people leader, empowering your people is a crucial component of your company's success. But how do you empower them in the first place? In this eBook '10 Ways to Empower Your People', you'll find out how by learning:

- What Empowered People Look Like

- Why They Are Vital To Your Company

- How to Create An Environment of Empowerment

- Steps To Take To Empower Your People

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4. The Distributed Teams Support Series

A successful people leader needs to be able to lead online effectively as well as offline. But it’s not a direct transfer of skills, or without its challenges, especially when it was never the plan. That’s why we created this all-in-one resource for managing remote working teams to help you in making the transition. It’s our most comprehensive guide to date so you can best connect, support and align your people regardless of their location. In this eBook, you’ll learn:

- The Best Practice For Holding Digital Meetings

- How To Meet Communication Challenges

- Ways To Mind Your Wellbeing At Work

- Goal-Setting During Disruption

- Finding Your Workflow As A Digital Team

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5. Everything You Need to Know About Holding 1:1s

Effective 1:1s are a key component of modern leadership. Every meeting will be different, and you need to know how best to approach them. From understanding the obstacles facing an individual with one of their goals to their experience of the company, it’s vital you get the insight needed for optimum progression.

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